API Belgeleri

Not: Lütfen API talimatlarını dikkatlice okuyun. API'miz tarafından eklediğiniz tek şey sizin sorumluluğunuzdur.

Yanıt biçimi Json
API URL http://smmabi.com/api/v1

Yeni Sipariş Verin

Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
quantity Needed quantity
runs (optional) Runs to deliver
interval (optional) Interval in minutes
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
comments Comments list separated by \r\n or \n
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
quantity Needed quantity
usernames Usernames list separated by \r\n or \n
hashtags Hashtags list separated by \r\n or \n
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
usernames Usernames list separated by \r\n or \n
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
quantity Needed quantity
hashtag Hashtag to scrape usernames from
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
quantity Needed quantity
username URL to scrape followers from
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
comments Comments list separated by \r\n or \n
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
link Link to page
quantity Needed quantity
username Username of the comment owner
Parametre Açıklama
key Your API key
action add
service Service ID
username Username
min Quantity min
max Quantity max
delay Delay in minutes. Possible values: 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 90
expiry (optional) Expiry date. Format d/m/Y

Örnek yanıt:

  "status": "success",
  "order": 32

Durum Sırası

Parametre Açıklama
key API anahtarınız
action status
order Sipariş Kimliği

Örnek yanıt:

  "order": "32",
  "status": "pending",
  "charge": "0.0360",
  "start_count": "0",
  "remains": "0"

Birden çok sipariş durumu

Parametre Açıklama
key API anahtarınız
action status
orders Virgülle ayrılmış sipariş kimlikleri (dizi verileri)

Örnek yanıt:

      "12": {
          "order": "12",
          "status": "processing",
          "charge": "1.2600",
          "start_count": "0",
          "remains": "0"
      "2": "Incorrect order ID",
      "13": {
          "order": "13",
          "status": "pending",
          "charge": "0.6300",
          "start_count": "0",
          "remains": "0"

Servis Listeleri

Parametre Açıklama
key API anahtarınız
action services

Örnek yanıt:

      "service": "5",
      "name": "Instagram Followers [15K] ",
      "category": "Instagram - Followers [Guaranteed\/Refill] - Less Drops \u2b50",
      "rate": "1.02",
      "min": "500",
      "max": "10000"
      "type": default
      "desc": usernames
      "dripfeed": 1
      "service": "9",
      "name": "Instagram Followers - Max 300k - No refill - 30-40k\/Day",
      "category": "Instagram - Followers [Guaranteed\/Refill] - Less Drops \u2b50",
      "rate": "0.04",
      "min": "500",
      "max": "300000"
      "type": default
      "desc": usernames
      "dripfeed": 1
      "service": "10",
      "name": "Instagram Followers ( 30 days auto refill ) ( Max 350K ) (Indian Majority )",
      "category": "Instagram - Followers [Guaranteed\/Refill] - Less Drops \u2b50",
      "rate": "1.2",
      "min": "100",
      "max": "350000"
      "type": default
      "desc": usernames
      "dripfeed": 1


Parametre Açıklama
key API anahtarınız
action balance

Örnek yanıt:

      "status": "success",
      "balance": "0.03",
      "currency": "USD"